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Home Remedies For Glowing Skin!

  Author : Dr. Farzana Eazaz Rizvi   / BUMS.MD

Products and the application of it can get you so far, it can make you look hydrated and fresh for a while but it can’t really hide the damage caused by the sun or the pollution for long. These are the skin damages which are caused because of our negligence for the most part and then there is the wrath of the sun and its rays as well as the pollution mixed with our health issues. Dehydrated skins are the worst kind, they look so pale and absolutely lifeless which makes it appear like a dry leaf. The real question that arises in our minds when we think about aforementioned problems that the skin can face, is if there are any solution which can reduce them or not? Hoping that it is clear for the very first sentence that we are clearly not talking about products as such in this article, let us inform you that there are plenty of home remedies which you can try for a healthier and glowing skin. Surprisingly enough, all of the ingredients which we are about to deal with are fairly available in the kitchen, so you need not worry much about where to find them, unlike those expensive or extremely hard to find products.

The Basics
These are not home remedies per se, but they are definitely one of the most important tools to keep your skin happy and healthy- the four mantras to keep your skin healthy- cleansing, exfoliating, toning and moisturising. Now, the cleansing part is an essential one, there are numerous cleansers which you can make at home, which we will be discussing shortly. But cleansing, as is evident, wipes away all the disgusting impurities and keeps the skin beautiful. The next thing is exfoliation, and like cleansing, it too does away with the impurities, but it is for those impossibly hard to remove ones. Exfoliation since has a lot to do with granule like materials which are supposed to be rubbed on your skin, it works in the deepest corners and on the hardest, to remove, possible impurities. This is followed by toning and moisturising for obvious reasons.

Home Remedies For Glowing Skin
Here are home remedies for glowing skin:

A Face Wash To Die For
Almond milk or just adding almond to your milk and your cereal can take the taste to a different level, at least for the almond lovers, but if you add almond, milk or cream, you have a face pack. Start with soaking the almonds in some milk and then mash them together, after a while. Apply this paste thoroughly all over your face or those skin parts which you desire to keep glowing and healthy. Then after a while, if not the whole night, wash it off. If you can continue doing this for a while, you will see the change which your face will go through. Anyway, for those with dry skin, you can always apply this paste every day, but those with oily skin rather use it every other day.

Gram Flour Does The Wonder This Time
Like any other face pack, mix gram flour with lime juice, honey and then rose water for a paste-like consistency and then mix them well. The moment you have a consistency with which you will be comfortable, you have a face pack that can change the way your skin has been. Simply apply this paste all over your face and rub a little to spread it well and let it dry. Once it is dry and good enough for you to wash it off, wash it with some lukewarm water and then see the magic happen in front of your eyes. The skin will immediately turn soft and absolutely nice. It will feel moisturised for the honey and the dark patches or the tans which you have gathered with time on your skin will seem less because of the bleaching abilities of the lime juice that you have had in this paste. The rose water will hydrate the skin immensely and the gram flour will be the very cherry on the top of the icing.

The Magic Ingredients
There is nothing more hydrating and soothing for your skin than our very own cucumber. Those who have had used cucumber on their skin would know the best about how radically their skin has turned into a healthy skin. Just add cucumber juice and mix it with lime juice, to which you might add turmeric for its antiseptic properties and then make the past. Apply it all over your skin and keep it for a while, until it dries or until the condition you feel comfortable with, and then wash it off. The cucumber in the paste would revitalize the skin, helps to get the puffiness of the eye in control and then reverse the skin tanning. Now that is what we call a blessing in disguise and the lime juice actually lightens the skin tan colour from your skin as it acts as bleach. Cucumber can treat pores and soothe the sunburn as well.

Camomile Tea and Some Honey
Tea is not just something that will make you healthy from the very inside of your body but when used as a face pack it can make your skin glow like nothing you have ever experienced before. So make a paste, as usual, with same camomile tea, add the honey, some oatmeal powder and almond oil, if you really want to. The oatmeal powder will act as an exfoliate for your skin, and thus it will help in the removal of the dead skin cells and also help in keeping your skin supple. The honey is to capture and fill your skin with the required kind of moisture and thus keep it healthy. The miracle of a thing that lime juice is, it will take out all the patchy tans and thus with this face pack you will have healthy skin which is gorgeous, beautiful and simply the reason for other’s envy.

So, here are the home remedies, which are basically all you need to keep your skin ready for any kind of trouble coming their way. Stress will never bother you or the sun cannot even affect your skin when you have these at your aid. You can always mix and match the ingredients and make a paste according to your need to restore any skin damages. Have a home remedy for glowing skin with the most natural of the ingredients.

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