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Dating Apps & Body Image

Dating apps were already popular before the pandemic, but lockdown resulted in skyrocketing use. According to Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking research, on March 29, 2020, Tinder “broke its record for the most ac...

Online ED Medications…Are They Safe?

Recent studies on the prevalence of erectile dysfunction have consistently shown one thing. A large percentage of men who have erectile dysfunction do not seek treatment. Why not? Well, some men are embarrassed while others just want a quick and easy fix. Thi...

ED & Depression: A Shocking Correlation.

You’re feeling despondent, you have low self-esteem, and your body just can’t sexually engage/perform. You know in your heart that something is wrong, but every time you talk to someone they tell you “it’s all in your head”. Could it be d...

Shockwave Therapy: A Continued Update & Why To Consider It

Why Should Someone Consider Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave Therapy should be considered as a treatment option because it is free of side effects, potentially curative, and can increase the effectiveness of othe...

Why Do We Isolate? Who Can We Talk to?

Isolation is one of the most difficult aspects of men’s sexual medicine. It’s almost part of the Man Code – Don’t talk about it. It seems the whole world snickers at the TV ads for ED drugs. What guy is then go...