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Cannabis Can Significantly Lower Sperm Count

With cannabis becoming more available for both recreational and medicinal use, research on the effects of cannabis is becoming much more common. More than half of all states have legalized the use of cannabis medicinally and ten states allow recreational use. The poss...

What is a Semen Analysis and what are the basic tests involved?

Couples having trouble conceiving will likely be advised to evaluate the male partner’s fertility by getting a semen analysis test. This noninvasive test measures the quantity and quality of semen and sperm. This isn’t a thrilling prospect...

Can sperm count be related to your diet?

Today, we often forget (or ignore) how food affects our health. Food is fuel and there is something to the adage, “you are what you eat.” Our food provides important vitamins, minerals and nutrients which are needed for our bodily processes to work correct...

Cancer And Sexual Dysfunction: Life After Treatment?.

When faced with a cancer diagnosis, sexual health is probably the last thing on your mind. However, with improved technologies for preventing and treating cancer comes a growing body of survivors, as well as urgent questions regarding quality of life post-survival. A ...

To Increase Fertility, Go Nuts!

Study has shown that including nuts in a regular western diet significantly improves fertility in men by improving the quality and function of sperm.  The duration of the randomized trial was 14-weeks, and was comprised of young healthy men between the ages of 18...