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Why Consider An Expert for Low-T Treatment

At some point in a man’s life, his testosterone levels will begin to decrease. However, the symptoms will be unique to each individual in terms of type and level of impact. This can sometimes make detection and treatment difficult. For example, ...

Testosterone & The Brain..

Testosterone levels in your body are controlled by a complex system that includes your brain, testes, and several different hormones.

Testosterone levels begin to increase in males during puberty. Men reach p...

Sex hormone binding globulin.

A 70 year old man, comes in with significant symptoms of low testosterone including low libido, decreased energy and decreased concentration. He reports having his testosterone levels checked with is internist. He was told they were around 700ng/ml which is normal.

Let’s Get To Know Clomid

The use of Clomid to increase testosterone levels has been in practice for many years.  Clomid is the preferred treatment to increase testosterone levels in men who want to maintain fertility options because testosterone replacement products  can decrease sp...

Low T — what does it mean?

As “Low T” commercials become more common and more men are having their levels tested, a frequent question asked is: “Is my testosterone level normal?” Truth be told, there is no correct answer for this. Normal for you may be d...