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Dr Thangs

How Parents Must Handle Teenager Problems

  Author : Dr. Mohd Zahoor Bhat   / BAMS

Life is like a roller-coaster; it has many ups and downs, but it’s your choice to either scream or enjoy the ride. Isn’t it?
It constantly keeps throwing challenges at you, as a child, teenage, parents or adults no matter what phase of the life cycle you are in. You indeed have lot many problems to deal with. Similarly teenagers problems are something you just cannot ignore.

Honestly, no one has ever pretended that parenting is easy especially when your kids are in their teens and their teen problems. You can stay positive with the belief that your teenager will never answer you back, throw tantrums, stay out too late or have a pierced and tattooed body.

What Exactly Is A Teenage Phase?

Teenage phase is a time of rapid change for kids both physically and cognitively. Teens face countless teen problems and challenges. They deal with lot of emotional highs and lows.
One minute they might feel great, and the next moment, they are depressed. These kinds of mood swings are common teenage problems.
Teenage is the time where parents need to lay a strong foundation in their kid’s life. This of course needs to be done patiently and skillfully. With a relatively civilized approach, you can troubleshoot the following teenage behavior problems in the right direction.

Teenage Problems And Solutions
1. Depression – Down Way Of Life
Depression is the most common mental health problem faced by teenagers which may sometimes lead to suicide. Teenagers can’t differentiate sadness and depression. Many factors can lead to depression and the reaction of each teen is different to such things.
Symptoms Of Major Depression In Teenagers
•    Teenage sleep problems
•    Behavioral changes
•    Careless about physical safety
•    Disturbed mental health
•    Frequent health issues like headache
•    Preoccupation with death and suicide
•    Giving warning hints such as “I won’t be a problem for you much longer”
•    Prolonged sad or angry mood
•    Suddenly clearing out belongings and getting them in order
•    Becoming suddenly cheerful without reason after being depressed
•    Teenage pregnancy problems

These are the most teenage health problems symptoms you can observe in your child’s  behavior. So, being a parent, what should you do? Well, find a good place to talk.
Make your child comfortable with the surroundings and talk to him/her calmly and patiently. Try to identify your child’s problem and see what you can do to help him/her out.

2. Drinking, Smoking And Drugs

Teenagers find drinking alcohol, having drugs, smoking hookah or cigars very fashionable and trendy. It makes them feel very cool and proud and be part of the grown ups crowd. They suddenly feel that rush in them, all energized, wanting to explore anything and everything.
To deal with this problem effectively, first and foremost, try to find out the reason why your teen is drinking alcohol or getting into smoking and drugs. If parents consume alcohol on regular basis, then teen is more likely to start drinking at an early age.
You must have heard an old famous quote which goes on like “Monkey See- Monkey Do”
Parents need to feel free to talk to their teens about certain subjects like dating, sex, drugs, and alcohol. It is this inability to discuss the good and bad points that drives them to take wrong steps out of curiosity.
Someone drinks with curiosity and some to get out of feeling of hell! Alcohol acts as a depressant and helps them to escape their troubled teen lives.
When teens see their peers drinking or smoking, they too indulge in without thinking right or wrong. Peer pressure is probably the toughest challenge teens have to deal with.
And the least a teenager would want is to be left out of his/her group of friends. When it comes to drugs, the most important thing as parents you can do is express plenty of love to your juniors to get them rid of this deadly addiction.

3. Cyber Space Addiction

It’s no secret that many teens are big fans of cyber space. They are always glued to their computers, laptops or cell phones. Internet is very useful, it makes things very easy but like everything has its pros and cons, so does internet.
You are surely known with the fact how one can become trapped and hooked to internet with all the attractive things its got to offer. So, one must be careful while using internet day and night and be rational.
Parents must monitor what their children are doing with the smart devices and to what extent are they being exposed to the world outside.
You must make sure to spend good amount of time your children to build that bond of love and trust so that they can freely communicate their thoughts, feelings and problems with you.

4. Your Teen Dislikes You

Children in their teens tend to reject their parents. They do not like communicating often or confiding in them. They are more comfortable in their friend’s company. It is common with every teenager.
You need to understand this is a temporary phase and children too know they still need their parents no matter how reluctantly they act and is it common to have teenagers problems with parents.

5.  Staying Out Too Late

It takes a toll on parents when their teenage kids stay out too late in the night. You surely must have set good limits for your children but then why do they break them again and again?
In this case, your child does not feel happy to stay at home. You must try to talk to your child calmly and find out what is the reason that is keeping him/her so late.
Teenage girl problems are more common as they observe changes in their body suddenly. You must ensure to set proper rules for them.
If they still continue to ignore you, it is time to set the consequences and ensure that they follow the said rules.  for eg.. you can try like “no going out in evenings this whole week”, “no hanging out with friends for a week, if proper timing is not followed”
Along with the above, teenage attitude problems also include generation gap, parental exception, career judgement, socialization, peer pressure and sexual pressure. All these are likely to make them depressed and stressed.

One and only best solution for these problems is your unconditional love and care. Be their best friend and guide them without being demanding. Trying to control them harshly or imposing things will only make situations worse for you as well as them.

Life Imposes Things On You That You Cannot Control, But You Still Have The Choice Of How You are Going To Live Through This.
