Insomnia, lack of sleep and disturbances during sleep are common problems of the present generations. People avail sleeping peels at regular intervals, but this too has a negative effect on the body. There are several reasons why the lack of sleep is expanding among more and more people of the world.
• First of all, mounting tension in the lives of people has a negative impact on the people, and this takes a toll during the resting time. However, when you think of a sound sleep, you can count on banana tea, which helps you to sleep better and has far fewer side effects than sleeping pills.
• Electronic radiations from devices like computers, mobiles, etc. disturb the nervous system and therefore, the process of sleep gets disturbed.
• Bright lights also have a negative impact on the sleeping process, and there are times when people consume multiple pills at a time.
Fast relief can be achieved by swallowing a sleeping pill. However, it has a negative impact on the long-term functions of the body. The natural working process of the body is greatly hampered when you have these pills. The trick lies in substituting these pills with natural solutions.
Problems of sleeping pills:
• Constipation: most people who consume sleeping pills complain of constipation. This has an impact on the digestive system of the people, and at the end of the day, you end up hampering another system of your body while trying to sleep well.
• Stomach pain: Not all the people have equal resistance to pills. They turn out to be incompatible in most of the cases. So, it is advisable to switch to banana tea to get rid of the problem.
• Memory failures: Consumption of sleeping pills also takes a toll on the memory capacities of people. People who consume pills for a long period tend to develop problems like short-term memory loss. This is indeed a great problem.
• Dizziness: Since sleeping pills are not compatible with the body and are not the natural way to fall asleep, they cause dizziness in the system. People are not able to work properly, and the productivity decreases.
• Difficulty in focusing: Sleeping pills decreases the level of concentration and do not allow you to focus on a particular point. This, in turn, diminishes the mental faculties of people. It is advisable not to count on the pills to make you fall to sleep.
Why is banana tea useful?
• Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium, but the banana peel contains more nutrients more food value than the fruit itself. Most of the people are ignorant of this and throw away the peels. However, it is needed to make a proper banana tea recipe.
• Potassium and magnesium help to get rid of cramps in the muscles. They help the muscles to relax, and this brings a good deal of comfort and stability to the body. When you are stressed, you need to depend on magnesium, which depletes the tension. This is found in adequate quantities in the banana skin and makes your sleep sound. It relieves you of all sorts of pains.
• Magnesium reduces stress and anxiety, enabling you to fall asleep easily. Better results are obtained by sprinkling a bit of cinnamon in it. In this context, you need to know the cinnamon tea recipe. It is a natural process of falling asleep, and you will not have any side effect in the long run.
You just need a skinned banana, a pot full of water and a bit of cinnamon. Boil the water for about ten minutes along with the banana. Sprinkle the cinnamon over it. Now sprinkle it into the tea. The cinnamon is needed to keep the blood sugar levels under control. After all, you will get the natural benefits of cinnamon and magnesium.
Thus, it is an easy way to sleep well. Pills are quick to make you sleep, but they are not made for your body. To fall sleep faster, you need to count on the cinnamon tea recipe, which is natural and beneficial. No need of worrying about how to sleep, you have the solution now.