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Dr Thangs

The Emotional Effects of A Vasectomy

  Author : Dr. Sheikh Jeelani   / BNYS | FTECH

Most men who are considering a vasectomy feel anxious about the decision. Will my sex life be as satisfying afterward? Is this what I want, or am I only doing it to please my partner? How much will it hurt? These questions and others like them need to be carefully considered and answered before making the decision to have a vasectomy.

While you may be anxious about enjoying sex after a vasectomy, most men actually report increased sexual satisfaction. After getting a vasectomy, there is no longer a fear of unintended pregnancy or a need for other birth control methods. This allows sex to be freer and more fun! (However, condoms will still be needed to prevent STI transmission). Contrary to what some men think, vasectomies do not decrease testosterone or sex drive and do not cause erectile dysfunction. Men are also concerned about the volume of ejaculate after getting a vasectomy. While you are no longer ejaculating sperm cells after a vasectomy, this only accounts for a 5% decrease in the volume of semen. You and your partner are unlikely to even notice this small difference.

Men are used to making decisions about medical procedures to prevent or manage a health problem, but the process of deciding to have a vasectomy requires a different approach. While it’s critical that your partner is involved in making the decision, partner pressure should not be your only motivation. Your female partner may be in favor of the vasectomy so that she no longer has to take responsibility for birth control. While this is an important consideration, the men who feel better about having a vasectomy have taken ownership of the decision and integrated it with their identity as a man. Feelings of grief and loss are normal. Men need to work through those feelings and claim the decision to have a vasectomy as an active choice that reflects their values and a desire to take responsibility for reproduction.

Navigating the facts and emotions of the vasectomy decision-making process is a complicated and confusing process. But you’re not alone in the process. Supportive therapy can help you make sense of related emotions and relationship concerns.

Life Imposes Things On You That You Cannot Control, But You Still Have The Choice Of How You are Going To Live Through This.
