Following are tips from the National Institute of Health:
Stick to a sleep schedule – go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.
Exercise is great but not too late in the day. Avoid 2-3 hrs before bedtime.
Avoid caffeine and nicotine close to bedtime. The effects of caffeine can take as long as 8 hours to wear off fully.
Avoid alcoholic drinks before bed, particularly heavy use.
Avoid large meals and beverages late at night. A light snack is ok, but a large meal can cause indigestion, interfering with sleep. Drinking too many fluids at night can cause frequent awakenings to urinate.
If possible, avoid medicines that delay or disrupt your sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist about the time medicines can be taken.
Don’t take naps after 3 pm
Relax before bed – leave time for unwinding e.g. reading or listening to music
Take a hot bath before bed – the drop in body temperature after a bath may help you feel sleepy, and the bath can help you relax and slow down so you’re more ready to sleep
Keep your bedroom dark, cool, and gadget-free. A comfortable mattress & pillow can help promote a good night’s sleep. Turn the clock’s face out of view so you’re not worrying about the time while trying to fall asleep.
Aim to get outside in natural sunlight for at least 30 minutes each day – daylight regulates sleep patterns.
Don’t lie in bed awake. If you’re still awake after 20 minutes, or if you’re starting to feel anxious or worried, get up and do something relaxing until you feel sleepy.