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Dr Thangs

Learn How To Survive A Heart Attack When Alone

  Author : Dr. Sheikh Jeelani   / BNYS | FTECH

A heart attack can be really scary and it is even scarier if you don’t know the warning signs. It can happen unexpectedly and suddenly and this article can be life-saving if you have a predisposition or have previously suffered one. It is still good to know what to do and what not in this situation if you don’t have any history of this condition. Since it can help you or someone close to you to save a life.

Recognize the Symptoms
In order to know whether you are suffering from heart attack or not, first, you will have to know its signs and symptoms.
•    Severe chest pain such as squeezing, or pressing, or a heaviness, at the left or central part of your chest. It usually lasts for at least 20 minutes.
•    Pain might also radiate to the left upper arm, jaw or neck.
•    A feeling of impending doom and profuse sweating.

These are the classical symptoms of heart attack and above 90% of the victims’ experience this. However, it differs for female victims who suffer from diabetes. Such as
•    Vomiting
•    Nausea
•    Mild chest pain
•    Shortness of breath
•    Pain in the epigastric region

The Window
Since plenty of people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without any help, the person whose heart is beating improperly as well as who begins to feel faint, they might only have about 10 seconds left before losing their consciousness.

Until your help arrives or your heart starts beating normal again, you will have to take a deep breath.

This ought to be the most important thing to do when you doubt that you are having a heart attack – call emergency medical services.

This will always be the quickest way in order to get treatment since the medical emergency can aid you with instructions on how to minimize the damage.

The emergency help will begin the treatment as soon as they arrive, that is why it is a better option than calling a relative or friend for help.

Don’t Try To Cough
There was a hoax for some time on the internet saying that you will be able to survive a heart attack alone just by coughing in a particular way. Never, never try that! This probably will not work.

Even worse, this technique can even put you in jeopardy. Usually, this technique is used in hospitals for the patients who are about to go into cardiac arrest. But still, this should only be done only under the strict supervision as well as medical education.

When you try this procedure on your own it can make your heartbeat speed up. That makes it difficult to pump oxygen into the blood.

Take an aspirin or nitroglycerin
Numerous victims can benefit from taking an aspirin at the right time of a heart attack. You ought to take one tablet right away and chew it slowly while you wait for emergency help to arrive. By any chance, if you have been prescribed nitroglycerin, then take one dose and call emergency medical services.

Note: This is not applicable for everyone. So ask your doctor during the whether this is an appropriate course of action

Don’t Try To Drive
Driving to the hospital is certainly not recommended. If you start feeling symptoms of a heart attack while driving, then it is better to pull over immediately to the road. Try finding help and open your windshield and let some air in to breathe deeply.

The reason why driving is not recommended amid a cardiac arrest is, you might end up passing out. That is why it’s strictly not advised.

Lie Down
This tip had proven to be effective numerous times. Lie on your back then lift your legs up. This will open the diaphragm, which makes it easier for you to breathe as well as supply oxygen to the blood. Maintain the position, supporting your legs on the pillows. Also, you can lie on the floor with your legs resting on a chair or a sofa.

Avoid Foods And Drinks
Drinking and eating should probably be the last thing on your mind when you are having a cardiac arrest. You can swallow a little water to help yourself but avoid this as well if possible.

Additionally, include your medical, dosing with the medication as well as contact information for important people and family. Put your regular medication in the bag so that the doctors and the paramedics can know what sorts of remedies you use. Ultimately, recognizing the symptoms of a cardiac arrest, calling immediately for help as well as taking quick aids are the best ways to survive a heart attack when you are alone.

Life Imposes Things On You That You Cannot Control, But You Still Have The Choice Of How You are Going To Live Through This.
