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Home Remedies To Control Diabetes And Its Prevention

  Author : Dr. Sheikh Jeelani   / BNYS | FTECH

Diabetes is the most prevailing health problem at the present time. Any person from any walks of life is prone to this condition. The count of diabetes patients has seen a significant rise in the recent years and continues to increase at an alarming rate.  Diabetes afflicts more than 380 million people all over the world. According to an estimate made by World Health Organization, the number of people who live with diabetes could be twofold by 2030. Fortunately, you can manage diabetes with proper care. With careful attention to your blood sugar level, medications and lifestyle modifications, you can avoid many of the complications associated with diabetes.  You can treat diabetes with various natural home remedies. But before discussing the natural cure for diabetes and home remedies for diabetes, we will first examine what diabetes is, its different types, causes and symptoms.

Diabetes – A Metabolic Disease

Diabetes, medically referred as Diabetes mellitus, is a metabolism disorder in which the body does not produce any or enough amount of insulin that is needed to convert sugar and starches into energy. Diabetes can be controlled through a well planned diabetic diet.Because of either inadequate or no insulin production, the person will have high blood sugar levels. The quantity of glucose in our blood gets increased if pancreas does not produce adequate insulin or no insulin or if the cells do not respond to the insulin properly. The cells do not get enough energy even though the blood has high levels of glucose. This is because eventually this excess amount of glucose in the blood gets passed out of the body in urine.

Role of Insulin in Our Body

To understand what diabetes is, you need to first understand about the role of insulin in your body. Insulin is nothing but a hormone that is released by the pancreas. When we eat food, the food gets digested and is broken down into glucose (form of sugar in the blood), which is the main fuel for our bodies. At this point, the pancreas releases an adequate amount of insulin automatically and moves the glucose in our blood into the cells, which is then used by the cells for energy and growth. This system does not work with diabetes.

Common causes of diabetes:
•    Insulin deficiency
•    Insulin resistance
•    Heredity
•    High cholesterol
•    High blood pressure
•    Obesity
•    Stress

Three Types of Diabetes:
•    Type 1 diabetes: This type of diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults. Approximately only 10% of people with diabetes are of type 1. This type of diabetes is referred as juvenile or early-onset diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes. In this type of disease, the body does not produce insulin that is needed to convert glucose into energy. People with type 1 diabetes need to carry out regular blood tests and follow a proper diet to ensure proper blood sugar levels.

•    Type 2 diabetes: This type of diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. It is referred as adult onset diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes since it is diagnosed in people after the age of 35. Nearly 90% of people having diabetes are of this type. In this type of diabetes, the body does not produce adequate insulin, or the cells do not react to insulin properly which is called insulin resistance. Being overweight and eating wrong kind of foods contribute to a higher risk of developing this type of diabetes. You can control type 2 diabetes if you make use of home remedies for diabetes.

•    Gestational diabetes: This type of diabetes affects women during 3rd month of pregnancy as a result of insulin resistance or hormonal imbalance in the body. In most cases, gestational diabetes gets cured after delivery if proper diet is followed and much weight is not gained during pregnancy. On having gestational diabetes women should not gain more than 5 kg of weight throughout their entire pregnancy period.

Diabetes Signs and Symptoms:

Individuals can experience different symptoms of diabetes or even no signs at all sometimes. Some common symptoms of diabetes are:
•    Frequent urination
•    Feeling very hungry and thirsty
•    Blurry vision
•    Weight loss
•    Slow-healing wounds
•    Frequent infections
•    Tiredness
•    A numbness in the hands or feet

Consult a health professional if you experience these symptoms. Early detection and treatment of diabetes will help you to decrease complications of diabetes. You can make use of several home remedies to control diabetes.

Effective Home Remedies for Diabetes

Even though there is no cure for diabetes, by following diabetes remedies you can live a normal life if you have blood sugar level under control. Being unable to manage blood sugar levels can lead to serious complications in the long run like retinopathy which can further lead to blindness, nephropathy which can lead to kidney damage, neuropathy that leads to complete numbness of hands and feet and can damage nerves, high blood pressure and heart disease. You can go for various home diabetes remedies to control sugar level. Below mentioned are few remedies how to control diabetes naturally at home .

•    Indian blackberry: Indian blackberry is considered as an effective medicine to treat diabetes. Take the dried seeds or leaves of the plant, powder it, mix it with water and drink it twice a day.

•    Indian gooseberry: Indian gooseberry that is rich in vitamin C will promote proper functioning of the pancreas that is responsible for the release of insulin. Take 2 or 3 Indian gooseberries, squeeze out the juice and drink it daily in an empty stomach.

•    Fenugreek: Fenugreek is a herb that helps to improve glucose tolerance and control diabetes. You have to soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds overnight. The next morning, drink the water with the seeds in an empty stomach. To bring down your glucose level, follow this remedy for a few months. Also, the seeds can be powdered and taken with milk. These are good home remedies for diabetes.

•    Mango leaves: Tender mango leaves help to regulate insulin levels in the blood and treat diabetes effectively. Boil 10 to 15 mango leaves in a glass of water and leave it overnight. The next day morning, filter this water and drink it in an empty stomach.

•    Basil leaves: Basil leaves or tulsi have essential oils to lower the blood sugar levels in the body. Extract juice form basil leaves and drink 2 tablespoons of juice in the morning in an empty stomach.

•    Green tea: Green tea has antioxidant properties that help to reduce the blood sugar level in the body. Drinking a cup of green tea daily in the morning in an empty stomach is good for your overall health.

•    Vitamins and minerals: You can balance the blood sugar levels and keep your body healthy by eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals.

Natural Foods to Treat Diabetes
Natural foods have several compounds that have healing effects. You can consider eating certain foods that have unique ingredients that could help to beat diabetes. The below mentioned are how to control diabetes naturally at home with natural foods.

•    Fish: People who have diabetes are at a higher risk to suffer from heart diseases. Fish has omega 3 fatty acids which lowers triglycerides and decreases the risk of heart disease.

•    Dietary fiber: The most essential nutrient required for a diabetic is fiber since it stabilizes the blood sugar levels. Eat foods that provide plenty of fiber such as sprouts, barley, oats, green leafy vegetables, green salads, fruits, etc.

•    Apples: Apples contain phytonutrients and quercetin which helps to lower the risk of diabetes. Around 4 grams of fiber is there in one apple.

•    Legumes: Legumes have protein, fiber and compounds like phytonutrients and saponins which help to lower the cholesterol and the blood sugar levels.

•    Nuts and seeds: Nuts contain omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin E. Since nuts are heart protective and helps to decrease the cholesterol levels, diabetics must consume nuts and seeds like Flax seeds, sesame seeds, peanuts, almonds etc.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Diabetes:

Ayurvedic practitioners make use of several herbal preparations to treat diabetes. Another cornerstone of ayurvedic cure for diabetes is proper exercise.


•    To regulate pancreas and liver functions, turmeric with Aloe Vera gel can be used at the early stages of diabetes.
•    Juice of rose apple or bitter gourd can be taken daily on an empty stomach.
•    Take 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera gel, 1/2 teaspoon turmeric and 1/2 teaspoon ground bay leaf and mix it all together.Take this twice a day before lunch and dinner.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Diabetes:

Prevention of diabetes is very important. So make it your priority. If you make a few simple lifestyle changes, it can greatly help you to lower the chances of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

•    Weight control: The main cause of type 2 diabetes is excess weight. Being obese increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes up to seven times.

•    Be active and get moving: Inactivity also promotes type 2 diabetes. It is important to make your muscles work often to improve their ability to use insulin.

•    Proper diet: Proper diet will have a great impact on the risk of type 2 diabetes. Instead of choosing highly processed carbohydrates, choose whole-grain products. Avoid sugary drinks. You can choose to drink water or tea instead. Also, avoid bad fats and choose good fats instead. Avoid processed meat and choose fish, poultry, nuts and whole grains instead.

To say in short, always try to stay lean and be active to prevent getting diabetes. If you have not taken any steps to control your blood sugar levels till now, it is not too late to start trying these effective home remedies for controlling diabetes.

Life Imposes Things On You That You Cannot Control, But You Still Have The Choice Of How You are Going To Live Through This.
