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What Is The Importance Of Health And Education?

  Author : Dr. Farzana Eazaz Rizvi   / BUMS.MD

Human beings today must have a unique set of skills to endure in this competitive world as well as progress. This set of skills can be related to as Education. Education has always played a vital role in a country’s socio-economic development, but its importance has grown significantly with the rise of the global knowledge economy. Thanks to technological advances, a rapidly increasing number of people can participate in this virtual world but new skills are required, including collaborative learning and working techniques.   Lifelong learning also needs to be supported in order to enable populations to keep pace with the rapid growth of knowledge and to sustain effective employment. Human Dynamics is able to bridge the traditional, tried-and-tested facets of education with the new demands of the digital age, taking into account regional, urban and rural differences.

The Impact Of Education

Education is central to sustainable development, it is a potent driver of development and one of the powerful instruments for overcoming poverty and regenerating health; it empowers people to be more productive, to make a better living and have a better quality of life, while also adding to a country’s overall economic growth. Education is important for splitting the poverty cycle and can impact health in two ways; firstly through Life-Skills Based Education (LSBE) which teaches children to learn about health, and secondly through the educational process as a whole which provides skills such as critical thinking and making choices enabling for options for healthy lifestyles. Below you can know about the importance of health and education in human development.

Importance Of Education In A Country’s Progress

Education is essential for a country to grow. Whether economically or socially, education plays an indispensable role in the growth of these two important factors. However, in the race to capitalize on the opportunities of the knowledge economy, it is required to not lose sight of the educational basics — notably in developing countries. These important building blocks combine the need for teaching skills and legislative structures that allow all children and adults to benefit from the power of education. It is equally important to recognize that different regions within countries — especially in the urban-rural context — are advancing at different speeds. Education is integral to one’s growth and development. The human mind makes desirable all development acts, from health advances and agricultural innovations to effective public administration and special sector growth. For countries to realize these benefits of education on health, they must unleash the potential of the human mind. And there is no reliable tool for preparing so than education. Twenty years before, government officials and development partners engaged to assert the value of education in economic development and broadly on enhancing people’s lives and together named Education for All as an aim. Because growth, development, and poverty decline depend on the knowledge and skills that people acquire, not the number of years that they sit in a classroom, we must transform our call to action from Education for All to Learning for All. Globally, the amount of children entering school age is supposed to be 1.2 billion children, 18% of the world’s population, with 88% of these children living in less developed countries where there is a high ubiquity of disease and illness.

Understanding The Relationship Between Education And Health  

The quality of health and education in economic development is ahead of dispute, and yet the poor are often seen to underinvest in both health and education of their children, even when they are easily affordable or completely free. It is required we understand the relationship connecting health and education including its effects on economic progress in the developing world. Human Capital in its fullest sense contains the levels of education, health, and nutrition of the population. Education boosts productivity, furthers technological advancements and increases the likelihood of more healthy productive children, all of which benefits the economic growth. It is, accordingly, no miracle that governments of developing countries increasingly concern themselves with the underinvestment by the poor in both health and education. The links between health and education are correlative; not only is good health necessary for children to make the most of their educational opportunities, but the educational setting (both formal and informal) can be important in encouraging good health. Compelling proof indicates that good health and nutrition are requirements for active learning. School Health and Nutrition (SHN) programmes across the world have been shown to promote children’s health and nutrition alongside their learning potential and future life choices. Health promotion can happen directly through teaching health and nutrition information and practices, as well as discursively with education itself acting as a “social vaccine” as in the case of HIV prevention for example.

Why Education Matters To Health?

Education is the font of all knowledge including Health Education. Health-related Education means giving out knowledge of wellness. Educated people can be able to prevent all possible causes of hazards. Health is more on what and how to treat certain diseases. So, with a good education, we can prevent illnesses as always ‘prevention is better than cure.’ The connection between education and health would be where a healthy mind produces a healthy person. A motivated mind can create a motivated person. Likewise, a curious mind produces a curious person. The moment a person gains more out of a curious mind, it also leads him further to learn more information in every aspect of life which also includes health. Here are some excellent reasons that tell us why education matters to health: Well-to-do jobs: In today’s knowledge-based economy, an applicant with higher education is more likely to be employed and land a good job that provides health-promoting benefits such as health insurance, paid leave, and retirement. As opposed to this, people with less education are more likely to work in high-risk occupations with few benefits. Means for good health: Families with bigger incomes can more readily purchase healthy foods, have time to exercise constantly, and spend on health services and transportation. Otherwise, the low wages, lack of assets, and job insecurity associated with less education can make individuals and families feel more vulnerable during hard times which can guide to poor nutrition, unstable housing, and unmet medical needs. Decreased stress: People with more education and thus higher incomes can often be forborne the health-harming stresses that follow prolonged social and economic misfortune. Those with lighter education often have negligible resources (e.g, social support, sense of control over life, and great self-esteem) to buffer the forces of stress. Social and psychological abilities: Learning in school and other education opportunities external to the classroom build skills and foster traits that are essential throughout life and even contribute to health along the lines of conscientiousness, determination, a sense of individual control, flexibility, the capacity for negotiation, and the strength to form relationships and build social networks. These skills can assist amidst a variety of life’s challenges—from work to family life—and with maintaining one’s health and sailing the health care system. Great Social networks: Trained adults manage to have extensive social networks—and these connections bring access to financial, psychological, and emotional resources that may help conquer hardships and stress plus improve health. Knowledge and skills: Apart from being equipped for better jobs, people with more education are more inclined to learn about healthy behaviors. Educated patients may be more ready to understand their health needs, grasp instructions, advocate for themselves and their families, and communicate effectively with health providers. Early childhood is a time in which health and educational trajectories are molded by a nurturing home environment, parental involvement, stimulation, and early childhood education, which can foster the development of social skills, adjustment, and emotional direction as well as learning skills. Apart from the above reasons, Education can also be connected to health with vulnerability to conditions, starting in early childhood, which can transform both education and health. During life, conditions at home, socioeconomic status, and other contextual factors can generate stress, cause illness, and deprive individuals and their families of resources for success in school, workplace, and healthy living.

What Is Health Education?

Health education is a profession of training people about health.  Health education can be described as the principle by which individuals and groups of people, get to behave in a manner conducive to the promotion, maintenance, or restoration of health. Health education increases students’ knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes regarding health. Health education explains the physical, mental, emotional and social health. It drives students to develop and maintain their health, prevent disease, and reduce risky behaviors. An arm of Health education, Health promotion, as a behavioral-social science, is a combination of the biological, environmental, psychological, physical, and medical sciences. The goal of health promotion is to promote health and prevent disease, disability, and premature death through education-driven behaviors and related activities. Some people specialize in health education (trained and/or certified health education specialists). Others perform selected health education functions as part of what they consider their primary responsibility like medical treatment, nursing, physical therapy, etc. The best time or the right age group to begin health education is before 25 years of age, preferably during one’s teenage time. Hence, the age groups of teenage and young adults before 30 years must begin health education as a way of having more awareness over health issues and solutions.

Basic Points To Be Included In Health Education

The important principles of health education are listed down below which will ensure the trainer be benefited with minimum basics about health and life: Generate Interest: Health education must be imparted in an interesting manner relating to the current events that can generate substantial interest among the learner. Health programmes of schools must be designed in an interesting way which sees to it that students participating will be better. Practical knowledge:  Health education is much understood if presented in practical situations. Practically undergoing healthy programmes develop more interest in learning. Classification of healthy education: Subject matter presented in health education must be classified as per the age group. Topic fitting higher secondary students may be very difficult for elementary students like topics on Aids, Cancer and so on. Dependent on the need of the hour: Health education spans through the most needed topics. Health programmes operating under school organization therefore mainly focus on topics like personal hygiene, communicable disease, and first-aid. School health education programmes particularly concern about childhood and adolescent needs. Teaching aids: Utilization of instruction aids like audio/visual aids or graphic materials in explanations lead to useful and interesting learning in students. Showing films or photographs with a message on health importance will be excellent. Individual attention: Sometimes the situation may not allow for one to adopt healthy habits quickly since effective health educational process will only take place when individual attention and reasonable time is given to the same person. Punishment must not be provided to students if one is unable to embrace health education practically. Renders Motivation: Rendering motivation is the most essential part of health education, for practicing health programmes in inducing lifestyle changes for a better life. Health Education is a group effort: It is the responsibility of every individual to contribute to the health of the community. Not only physical teachers, but every general teacher and student must also be included in the health educational guidance and counseling programmes. Socially accepted: In many education institutions, health education includes the knowledge of ‘sex education’ and many times it was protested by some people as they declare this topic ‘non-educational’. Topics like causes of Aids, Hepatitis-B are equally essential, rather more important. Therefore in a cooperative manner, health educator need to progress in imparting knowledge on such topics. Nowadays society has accepted ‘health education’ as important a discipline as any other form of discipline, but then also the knowledge imparted to students must be acceptable to the local community in which they live. Health education makes an individual responsible for his/her health from a younger age and helps them contribute to the greater well-being of humankind at large.  

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