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Dr Thangs

Gut Stuck? No Way! Natural Remedies to the Rescue?

  Author : Dr. Qurat ul Ain   / BUMS

What is constipation?
Constipation is a condition that affects a person's bowel movements when they pass stool fewer than three times a week, and such stool is usually hard and difficult to pass. Constipated individuals often have to strain hard to pass stools, and they typically spend a long time on the toilet. Constipation may occur due to a variety of factors and can be the result of an underlying condition rather than a standalone issue. However, sometimes, it can become a chronic condition.

What Causes Constipation?
There are several factors which can lead to constipation, and most often, it is a result of an underlying condition. People may experience constipation due to their food choices and eating habits; for example, eating certain foods may cause constipation, while not including certain foods in the diet can lead to a chronic case of constipation. Therefore, it is important to understand what may have caused it. The causes of constipation may include the following.
• Consuming foods with very less fiber
• Dehydration
• Consuming certain medications
• Chronic stress
• Health issues
Apart from these factors, a person's level of physical activity, age, gender, and overall health status may affect the number of bowel movements they have over a period of time.

Home Remedies for Constipation
There are many ways when it comes to how to heal constipation naturally, including:
1. Drink more water: Staying hydrated is key to resolving the issue of constipation. Drinking water not only helps to soften the stool but also helps to get things moving. Drinking warm or carbonated water, especially right after waking up, may help to relieve constipation.
2. Include more fibre: Fibre is the most important nutrient that helps in the regularity and consistency of bowel movements as well as in increasing the bulk of stool. It also helps to pass the food more smoothly through the digestive system. Brown rice, lentils, beans, peas, nuts, whole grain bread or cereal, fibrous fruits and vegetables can be beneficial for people to relieve constipation. Flax seeds containing dietary fiber also act as natural laxatives.
3. Physical activity: Leading a sedentary lifestyle and less amount of physical activity can aggravate constipation. Because of this, healthcare experts recommend exercising regularly and increasing the frequency if required to ensure that the stool keeps moving.
4. Consume caffeine: Contrary to popular belief, coffee, rather caffeine, can help to relieve constipation by stimulating the muscles of the digestive system. However, consume it in moderate amounts as having too much caffeine can affect your overall health.
5. Eat probiotic foods: Probiotic foods such as yogurt and kimchi are beneficial for relieving constipation by providing the necessary probiotic bacteria to the person.
6. Eat prunes: Prunes are rich in fibers and are a readily available natural remedy for constipation. Consuming prune or prune juice can help people to get relief from constipation.
7. Avoid foods that worsen constipation: Certain foods can aggravate constipation and sometimes even induce it. Therefore, it is better to avoid such foods. Foods that can potentially worsen constipation may include –
• Meat
• Fast food
• Low-fibre snacks, particularly deep-fried snacks
• Boxes and frozen foods
• Processed foods
8. Avoid dairy: Sometimes, consuming dairy can worsen the condition due to its effect on the movement of stools in the gut. Lactose-intolerant people should avoid dairy.
Everyone experiences constipation at one point in their life. More often than not, it is induced by lifestyle choices we make. The first line of treatment for how to get instant relief from constipation is to try home remedies. Despite these changes, if the condition doesn't improve, it is recommended to visit a doctor.


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