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Dr Thangs

Saffron – A Personal Beauty Spa for Great Skin

  Author : Dr. Sadaf Zainab   / BPT/OT

What Is Saffron?
In the ancient world void of any scientific developments, people had to evolve and survive with the help of whatever was provided to us by Mother Nature. From the absolute elementary use of plants and herbs people transferred to the luminous world of spices. With the tremendous healthful attributes of almost any kind of spices we humans slowly yet steadily learned their several uses and started to utilize this knowledge in curing several diseases. Saffron amongst the spices is the most expensive one. It has great medicinal value and can also be utilized for several culinary purposes. Saffron is one of the most popular spices in the world. This spice is also utilized in the preparation of several beverages. Saffron owes its tremendous popularity to its beautiful colour and its medicinal values. Sometimes the spice is also used in garnishing several food items. The Iridaceae family belonging to the regions of South Europe originally cultivated this specific spice called saffron. Saffron is a native of these South European regions. These regions from the very start were the original cultivators of this particular spice. Saffron with its marvellous qualities benefits us in innumerable ways. Saffron has a positive effect on our skin, on our hair and also aids to maintain a healthful body. The various benefits of saffron are listed below:

Effect Of Saffron On Our Health
Saffron with its essential nutrients and chemical properties aid us in keeping our body alive and kicking.

Following are the several health benefits of saffron
• The chemical components contained within saffron are in nature plant derived. These components prevent diseases from attacking our body and eventually lead to an overall immune health system within our body.

• Saffron, obtained from a specific plant part which also consists of volatile oils. These specific volatile oils when added to the food aids in wringing out the real taste. The names of some of these oils are geraniol, pinene, cineole, borneol etc.

• Saffron also contains non-volatile components which are active in nature. One of these components is the carotenoid compounds which are actually antioxidants and benefits the health of any person. These compounds prevent radical reactions. Radical reactions otherwise will lead to the production of harmful by compounds and lead to a disease. The majorly praised carotenoids are lycopene , zeaxanthin, and alpha and beta carotene.

• Saffron is revered in many religions as a holy spice and utilized in benevolent activities like healing of a body, in the case of detoxification. It is also utilized in several spas for aiding people in the process of relaxation.

• Sometimes the beneficial qualities of this spice work as an anti-depressant and give birth to the body’s addiction to it.

• Saffron aids us in maintaining a healthful digestive system.

• Saffron through potassium, which is one of its constituent, aids in the process of formation of cells within our body. Saffron in the same manner also helps in the cell repairing process.

• The potassium in saffron aids to maintain a normal blood pressure and also prevents heart diseases.

• Saffron provides the body with iron too eventually aiding in the production process of blood cell.
Thus, we can see the innumerable benefits of saffron on our health.

Effect Of Saffron On Our Skin
To possess fair skin with the aid of nature nothing is better than the use of saffron.

Following are certain tips for glowing skin
• Take few saffron strands and get them soaked in milk for a couple of hours.

• Smear your neck and face with this milk.

• Let your skin soak the mixture for few minutes.

• Now wash off.

Here are more tips for glowing skin
• Take a glass of milk.

• Arrange for seeds of sunflower and, of course, the main element saffron.

• Mix the above-mentioned element with the milk present in the glass.

• Now, one needs to let these mixtures soak, overnight.

• Next morning grinds the mixture.

• Apply this on your face to get a glowing skin.

Also, if a person consumes few strands of saffron with their daily glass of milk, one might get positive results in achieving a glowing complexion. Also, saffron fairness cream found ready made in the market can be used to get a fair and toned skin. It is these creams which are now majorly utilized in a world of limited time. No one has time enough to prepare a paste or a mixture like our ancestors. The saffron fairness cream is quite good in quality and its demand is increasing day by day. Saffron also has an antifungal ability which enables it to treat blemishes and acnes. A person can make a mixture containing 5 to 6 basil leaves along with about 12 strands of saffron. This paste after applied on the face should be kept for about 15 minutes and then washed with cold water. The paste will aid one in removing acnes and pimples.

Benefits On The Hair
Saffron along with all its beneficent qualities also fights the loss of hair. If applied to the bald spots in our head properly, saffron will also aid in hair growth. But before applying one needs to mix saffron with licorice and milk and then apply the mixture to the bald spots.

Don’t Spend For Nothing
Saffron needs to be stored in a proper manner to avoid rotting. While buying this spice, one must be careful that it is dark red in color. The tips should be orange in color without variation. The strands should be brittle and also hard to touch. Powdered saffron must be purchased from a popular branded company. One can examine the purity of the powdered material through the sweetness in the aroma. And lastly, do not let your expensive spice rot by negligence in its storing. Store saffron in a dry, airtight container and avoid its contact with light. Also, one must remember saffron loses flavour with time.

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