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Dr Thangs

Erectile Dysfunction Is Actually Pretty Common In Younger Guys

  Author : Dr. Sheikh Jeelani   / BNYS | FTECH

It was interesting to talk to a young female reporter who knew absolutely nothing about the subject. She sent me a long list of questions and we had several long discussions on the phone. I thought that this was a great chance to really educate the public about a very taboo subject among young men.

Well, as usually happens, my hours of eloquent and illuminating discourse on ED in young men was reduced to two sentences that really were of very little consequence! So much for my scintillating discourse!

The single-most culprit of erectile difficulties as seen in young men is stress. Men are under ridiculous amounts of stress when it comes to having sex. The ubiquitous consumption of porn has so badly skewed reality that young men especially have no clue what sex really is. Since men have never been allowed to have authentic discussions about sex or sexuality, there is no peer influence to disabuse them of their porn-formed beliefs. Consequently, young men are trying to recreate porn images, scenes, and behaviors which they think are requirements for good sex.

Not a week goes by where I don’t have to remind men that sex is just a form of play. It’s not a job, a proving-ground, a talent contest, or a competitive sport. When a couple can relax and just play, stress disappears and stress-induced ED is no longer a problem. Yeah, keep exercising, don’t overdo drugs or alcohol, and watch out for those bicycle seats, but mostly, just keep playing.

Life Imposes Things On You That You Cannot Control, But You Still Have The Choice Of How You are Going To Live Through This.
